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Sister Rosheen Glennon

Training/ Education

I received my Spiritual Direction Certificate from Mercy Center in Burlingame in 1997 and have been involved in this ministry and retreats since that time.  I attend ongoing workshops and seminars to continue to hone my skills for this ministry.

Spiritual Direction Style:

It is simple and heart centered

I see myself as a spiritual mid-wife, helping to bring to birth what has been gestating in a person – the awareness of their loving God journeying with them.  

My personal spirituality
is shaped by:

The word of God spoken to Isaiah, “You are precious in my eyes and I love you.”

The word of God spoken to Jeremiah, “I know the plans I have for you…When you seek me, you shall find me.  When you call to me, I will answer.”

Jesus’s words, “Come to me…”

Celtic and Native American Spirituality – A sense of wonder, awe and reverence at God speaking to us through creation.
