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Looking for a Sister

We live to fulfill the mission of Jesus. We live simply, love inclusively and listen attentively for the good and the protection of God’s creation.

Are you looking for a Sister?

We are always happy to hear from relatives, friends, former colleagues, students or patients.

If you need help finding one of us, please send an e-mail to Archives@csjla.org and include the Sister’s full or religious name, location where you met her (city, state and/or country), where and when you met her (example: St. Mary’s Academy in Los Angeles in 1976) and how Sister may contact you back and the reason you wish to contact her for (example: class reunion, event, etc.). Please keep in mind that some Sisters may not have an e-mail, so please include your name, address with zip code and phone number along with your e-mail address.

“Be constant in the way of life and virtue you have chosen, changing nothing about it except to improve it.”

Maxim 62
Jean Pierre Medaille, SJ