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Transform your DNA with CSJ

Members of the “Little Design” were transformed to this new way of life in a climate of secrecy.  They lived in groups of three and did not wear a distinctive clothing attire.  They took the dress of the widows of Le Puy so that they could move through the city without attracting attention.  Filled with passion for their service to the Dear Neighbor, they detached themselves from the traditional stereotypes and images of their cloistered counterparts. They “transformed” themselves because their world of 17th century France called for something “more,” something different.  Our 21st century world calls us to “the more.”  In your prayer ask yourself, “What is it that the world most needs of me?”  “How can I respond to those needs by engaging in the process of personal transformation for the life of the world?” The thread of the lace bobbin is just a thread until it joins with the other threads and is transformed into a little design of beauty.  You cannot change the world single handedly.  Maybe you can’t change it with a few like- minded people.   Change begins when each individual thinks and behaves differently, creating a new pulse of imaginative, intuitive energy in the Universe.  The Little Design of Le Puy transformed people’s lives and ministry.  The Little Design proclaimed that it was not business as usual and broke stereotypes creating new configurations for individuals and groups.  We who have the CSJ DNA in our blood are called not just to change, but to transformation.  The 21stcentury needs transformation to respond to the signs of our times.  Embrace, as valid and valuable, your feelings and intuitions about what you see, hear and intuit as you would value your head knowledge and skills set.
